We have strengthened our longstanding commitment to making ABCD more inclusive and the world more just. ABCD is a place where every great idea can be heard and everybody belongs.

Our Roots
Agri-Business Child Development (ABCD) knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 1946, a group of New York State farm owners realized that children needed to be in a safe and healthy environment while their parents worked in the fields. More than seven decades later, our non-profit organization has proven that high quality, comprehensive, bilingual education services empower hardworking New York State families, school districts, and community partners. More importantly, ABCD has graduated thousands of children who today thrive as successful members of society.
Making A Difference
Agri-Business Child Development is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, Early Head Start, and Head Start centers, is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges ~ closing the education gap and giving each and every child a head start in life! We make sure ABCD children and their families are encouraged to thrive by supporting their education and social needs.
Helping The Community
ABCD acknowledges the power of comprehensive education services that start in infancy. Advocating for the early childhood education profession is vital; through cooperation and community empowerment, we believe we can facilitate progress. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.

Reinforcing our Commitment
ABCD's goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
"The ABCD Annual Report is available to the public upon request."
This website is supported by Grant Numbers 90CM009864 and 02CH012924 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Agri-Business Child Development and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.